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Focus on Me
Megan Erickson
The Best Simple Recipes
America's Test Kitchen
Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen
Jazz Jennings
The Science of Trust: Emotional Attunement for Couples
John M. Gottman
Taken with You
Shannon Stacey
Until We Touch (Fool's Gold, #15)
Susan Mallery
In Bed With the Devil (Avon Romantic Treasure)
Lorraine Heath
The Wedding of the Century & Other Stories
Kristin James, Charlotte Featherstone, Mary Jo Putney
How to Dance with a Duke
Manda Collins

Embrace the Night (Cassandra Palmer Series #3)

Embrace the Night  - Karen Chance, Cynthia Holloway This series frustrates me! I was so ready to dump the series after this book but then the very ending of this book redeemed it enough for me to go to the next.(Barely.)

I have two main issues the series. First, and this one is major, is that the rules of the game keep arbitrarily changing. Sometimes a spell works this way, sometimes not. Sometimes Cass can use her powers then other times she is too tired. All the obstacles become too contrived.

Second, Cassandra is not very clever. She should be much more aware of what's going on and who to build alliances with, especially since she has lived with the vamps all her life. She just fumbles along with little planning and makes deals with anyone without thinking through the consequences. Not to mention, she almost never keeps her word.

Seriously, I just don't care enough about the characters to hang in if things don't get better. Cross your fingers.